Ms. Nidhi Mastey (Essay Editor)

Nidhi graduated from UC Berkeley - Haas School of Business in 2014. She started her career in finance as an investment banker and later transitioned to strategy at various technology companies including Uber and Pinterest, where she works today. She has been consulting high school students for college apps and essays for the past 6 years.

Ms. Shilpi Matharani (Essay Editor)

Shilpi Mathrani is part of our team of essay editors and helps with the college admissions process. She has prior experience in college essay writing from pursing her prior degrees at UC Berkeley – two in science as a bioengineer for an undergrad and master of engineering, and a third in business, from her MBA education at UC Berkeley Haas. She also builds upon her "story-telling" skills as part of her day job, working as a management consultant in the healthcare industry. She has been helping with college admissions essay editing for several years.

Ms. Dana

Vice President, Marketing